Center for Scalable Application Development Software (CScADS)
The Center for Scalable Application Development Software (CScADS) was established in January 2007 as a partnership between University of Wisconsin at Madison. The mission of the center is to catalyze the development of software tools and libraries that enable applications to achieve scalable performance on the DOE's leadership computing platforms and increase the productivity of DOE computational scientists.
CScADS is pursuing an integrated set of activities including workshops to engage the research community in the challenges of leadership computing, research and development of open-source software, and work with computational scientists to help them develop codes for leadership computing platforms.
The figure above illustrates the relationships between the Center’s activities. The flow of ideas originates from two sources: workshops for community outreach and vision-building, and direct involvement with application development. These activities focus research efforts on important problems. In turn, research drives the infrastructure development by identifying capabilities that are needed to support the long-range vision. Infrastructure feeds back into the research program, but also supports prototyping of software tools that support further application development. Finally, experiences by developers using prototype compilers, tools and libraries will spur the next cycle of research and development.
For more information about CScADS, see an an overview of CScADS research, information about the CScADS Summer Workshops, or the CScADS Executive Summary.
News & Events
- Nathan Tallent, a member of the HPCToolkit project team, was named one of two George Michael Memorial HPC Fellows for 2009.
- [Download a PDF copy of the paper]
- ZeptoOS version 2.0 is now available for the Blue Gene/P architecture!
- Center overview slides are available from an October 2008 DOE review meeting.
To contact CScADS, see our Contacts Page.