CScADS Summer Workshops 2012
The workshops will explore the following topics:
The CScADS Summer 2012 Workshops will be held in June - August 2012 in Snowbird, Utah, USA. These workshops are the sixth installment of an annual series of workshops that aim to engage the community in the challenges of leadership computing and foster interdisciplinary collaborations.
The workshops will explore the following topics:-
Workshop 1: June 26 - 29
Performance Tools for Extreme-scale Computing
Organizers:John Mellor-Crummey - Workshop 2: July 23 - 26
Leadership Computing Platforms, Extreme-scale Applications, and Performance Strategies
Organizers: Pete Beckman -
Workshop 3: July 30 - August 2
Scientific Data and Analytics for Extreme-scale Computing
Organizers: Rob Ross, Tom Peterka, Rusty Lusk, and Pete Beckman -
Workshop 4: August 13 - 15
Libraries and Autotuning for Extreme-scale Applications
Organizers: Jack Dongarra, Lenny Oliker, Rich Vuduc, and Kathy Yelick
Logistics information for the 2012 summer workshops is available on the workshop logistics web page.